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[Xotcl] XOTcl 1.3.6 available
From: Gustaf Neumann <>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 23:29:33 +0100
Dear XOTcl community,
I am proud to announce XOTcl 1.3.6.
Major changes relative to 1.3.5 are:
* Improved Functionality
+ new info subcommand: <object> info precedence
+ simplified meta class definitions: every class can be
changed into a metaclass by adding an instmixin of Class (or
one of its subclasses) to it. In order to define that every
class should be a metaclass, one can use now
Object instmixin Class
instead of the rather complicated solution i posted on
the xotcl mailing list not long ago.
* Improved code quality:
+ fixed possible crashes when
- objects are called with class methods (e.g. due to instmixins)
- when instmixins are defined recursively
(e.g. Class instmixin Class)
- objects are turned into classes by changing the
class relationship
+ improved namespace resolution when mixin classes are defined
in namespaces (::xotcl:: namespace is skipped, since a
helper method that calles the primitive setting command
is defined there)
+ fixed passing of error code from init methods
(thanks to Fabrice Pardo for noting it)
+ returning PACKAGE_VERSION after a package require
(e.g. 'package req XOTcl' returns now 1.3.6)
+ some code refactoring, fixed erroneous documentation of c code
+ improved documentation
More details can be found in the changelog on
best regards
-gustaf neumann
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 23:29:33 +0100
Dear XOTcl community,
I am proud to announce XOTcl 1.3.6.
Major changes relative to 1.3.5 are:
* Improved Functionality
+ new info subcommand: <object> info precedence
+ simplified meta class definitions: every class can be
changed into a metaclass by adding an instmixin of Class (or
one of its subclasses) to it. In order to define that every
class should be a metaclass, one can use now
Object instmixin Class
instead of the rather complicated solution i posted on
the xotcl mailing list not long ago.
* Improved code quality:
+ fixed possible crashes when
- objects are called with class methods (e.g. due to instmixins)
- when instmixins are defined recursively
(e.g. Class instmixin Class)
- objects are turned into classes by changing the
class relationship
+ improved namespace resolution when mixin classes are defined
in namespaces (::xotcl:: namespace is skipped, since a
helper method that calles the primitive setting command
is defined there)
+ fixed passing of error code from init methods
(thanks to Fabrice Pardo for noting it)
+ returning PACKAGE_VERSION after a package require
(e.g. 'package req XOTcl' returns now 1.3.6)
+ some code refactoring, fixed erroneous documentation of c code
+ improved documentation
More details can be found in the changelog on
best regards
-gustaf neumann