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To closely follow the further development of NSF, or to prepare your patches contributed back to us, you may obtain a cloned copy of our Git repository. The main Git repository is self-hosted and the stream of changesets can be monitored using Fisheye . For public and anonymous access, please use the mirror . There is also a graph visualisation  of the commit activities available.

For checking out the NSF repository for the first time, obtain a clone by performing:

 $ git clone 
 $ cd nsf 

To update an existing checkout, run

 $ cd nsf
 $ git pull 

The Git repository of NSF is organized as follows:
  • Branch main: contains the leading-edge (development) version of NSF, NX, and XOTcl 2
  • Release tags 2.0.0, 2.1.0 etc.: Denote the released versions of NSF, NX, and XOTcl 2.
  • Branch xotcl1: contains XOTcl 1.*, such as XOTcl 1.6.8
By default, the checked out branch is the main branch. If you want to checkout a release, run:

 $ git fetch --tags
 $ git checkout 2.1.0

If you want to work on the branch xotcl1, set up your local branch and perform a checkout:

 $ git branch xotcl1 origin/xotcl1
 $ git checkout xotcl1

To build NSF from here, follow the instructions in the Getting Started section.

More information on how to work with the Git version control system can be found here .