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Listing of doc/example-scripts/rosetta-polymorphism.tcl
Rosetta Example: Polymorphism
For details see
package req nx nx::Class create Point { :property x:double :property y:double :public method print {} { return "Point(${:x},${:y})" } } nx::Class create Circle -superclass Point { :property radius:double :public method print {} { return "Circle(${:x},${:y},${:radius})" } }
Demonstrating the behavior in a shell:
Create a point and get the print string:
% set p [Point new -x 1.0 -y 2.0] % $p print Point(1.0,2.0)
Get the x coordinate of this point:
% $p cget -x 1.0
Create a circle:
% set c [Circle new -x 3.0 -y 4.0 -radius 5.0]
Copy the circle
% set d [$c copy]
Change the radius of the copied circle:
% $d configure -radius 1.5
Print the two circles:
% $c print Circle(3.0,4.0,5.0) % $d print Circle(3.0,4.0,1.5)