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Listing of doc/example-scripts/tk-ludo.tcl
A small Ludo/Mensch ärgere Dich nicht/Pachisie game, originally developed by Richard Suchenwirth in plain Tcl (see The game was rewritten as a design study in NX by Gustaf Neumann in July 2013.
Major changes:
object-oriented design (no global variables)
knowledge about the paths of the figures
animated moves
knowledge about the basic rules (e.g. need 6 to move out of the nest, have to move figures from starting position)
throw opponents out
sanity checks
user feedback
Short Instructions
The active player (marked with the button) has to dice (click on the die, or press somewhere on the board "d").
If all figures are in the nest (start position), the player needs to dice a 6. The player is allowed to try three times, then the player is done (press "done" button, or type "n") and the turn moves to the next player.
When a player got 6 eyes, he can move out of the nest. This is done by clicking on the figure the player wants to move.
After dicing 6, the player can dice again and move the player on the field (always by clicking on the figure).
package require Tk package require nx::trait
Define an application specific converter "expr" that passes the scalar result of the expression. Since the converter is defined on nx::Slot, it is applicable to all method and configure arguments.
::nx::Slot method type=expr {name value} {return [expr $value]}
Class Figure
nx::Class create Figure { :property canvas:required :property x:double :property y:double :property size:double :property position:integer :property color :property no:integer :property board:object,required :variable tag "" :require trait nx::trait::callback :method init {} { # # Draw figure and define interactions # set d [expr {${:size}/6.}] set s [expr {${:size}/1.5}] set y [expr {${:y}-$d*2.5}] set :tag ${:color}${:no} set id [${:canvas} create arc [expr {${:x}-$s}] [expr {${:y}-$s}] \ [expr {${:x}+$s}] [expr {${:y}+$s}] -outline grey \ -start 250 -extent 40 -fill ${:color} \ -tags [list mv ${:tag}]] ${:canvas} create oval \ [expr {${:x}-$d}] [expr {${:y}-$d}] \ [expr {${:x}+$d}] [expr {${:y}+$d}] \ -fill ${:color} -outline grey -tags [list mv ${:tag}] #${:board} figure set $id [self] ${:canvas} bind ${:tag} <B1-ButtonRelease> [:callback go] } :public method go {} { # # Start moving the figure if the draw is permitted. # The board knows the die and the rules. # if {![${:board} moveFigure [self]]} { # stay at old position :gotoNr ${:position} } } :public method gotoNr {nr {-path ""} {-afterCmd ""}} { # # Move figure to the numbered position. If a path is given it # moves stepwise from position to position. # set oldPos ${:position} set :position $nr if {$path eq ""} {set path $nr} return [:move {*}[${:board} getPointCenter $oldPos] $path \ -afterCmd $afterCmd] } :protected method move {x0 y0 path:integer,1..n {-afterCmd ""}} { # # Move figure from old position (x0 y0) stepwise along the # path using animation. At the end of the move, 'afterCmd' is # issued. # set t 0 foreach pos $path { lassign [${:board} getPointCenter $pos] x y set stepx [expr {($x-$x0)/50.0}] set stepy [expr {($y-$y0)/50.0}] for {set i 0} {$i < 50} {incr i} { after [incr t 8] ${:canvas} move ${:tag} $stepx $stepy } lassign [list $x $y] x0 y0 incr t 100 } after $t ${:canvas} raise ${:tag} after $t $afterCmd set :x $x; set :y $y } :public object method lookup {position} { # # Return the figure at the provided position. This function # could be made faster, but is efficient enough as it is. # foreach f [Figure info instances] { if {[$f cget -position] == $position} { return $f } } return "" } }
Helper functions for the die
proc random:select L {lindex $L [expr int(rand()*[llength $L].)]} proc lexpr {term L} { # map an expr term to each element \$i of a list set res [list] foreach i $L {lappend res [eval expr $term]} set res }
Class Die
nx::Class create Die { :property canvas:required :property x:double :property y:double :property {size:double 25} :property {fg gold} :property {bg red} :property {eyes 0} :require trait nx::trait::callback :method set {n} { # # Set the eyes of the die. # ${:canvas} itemconfig ${:grouptag} -fill ${:bg} -outline ${:bg} foreach i [lindex [list \ {} {d5} [random:select {{d3 d7} {d1 d9}}] \ [random:select {{d1 d5 d9} {d3 d5 d7}}] \ {d1 d3 d7 d9} {d1 d3 d5 d7 d9} \ [random:select {{d1 d3 d4 d6 d7 d9} {d1 d2 d3 d7 d8 d9}}] \ ] $n] { ${:canvas} itemconfig ${:id}$i -fill ${:fg} -outline ${:fg} } set :eyes $n } :public method invalidate {} { # # Invalidate the eyes to avoid double uses of the eyes. # set :eyes 0 } :public method roll {} { # # Roll the dice and animate rolling # # wiggle: amount, pick one of eight wiggle directions set dwig [expr {${:size}/5}] for {set i 10} {$i<100} {incr i 10} { :set [expr {int(rand() * 6) + 1}] set wig [random:select {0,1 0,-1 1,0 -1,0 1,1 -1,1 1,-1 -1,-1}] set wig [lexpr \$i*$dwig [split $wig ,]] ${:canvas} move group${:id} {*}$wig update set wig [lexpr \$i*-1 $wig] ;# wiggle back ${:canvas} move group${:id} {*}$wig after $i } } :method init {} { # # initialize the widgets with tags interactions # set x [expr {${:x} - ${:size}/2.0}] set y [expr {${:y} - ${:size}/2.0}] set :id [${:canvas} create rect $x $y \ [expr {$x+${:size}}] [expr {$y+${:size}}] \ -fill ${:bg} -tags mvg] set :grouptag group${:id} ${:canvas} addtag ${:grouptag} withtag ${:id} set ex [expr {$x+${:size}/10.}] set ey [expr {$y+${:size}/10.}] set d [expr {${:size}/5.}];# dot diameter set dotno 1 ;# dot counter foreach y [list $ey [expr {$ey+$d*1.5}] [expr {$ey+$d*3}]] { foreach x [list $ex [expr {$ex+$d*1.5}] [expr {$ex+$d*3}]] { ${:canvas} create oval $x $y [expr {$x+$d}] [expr {$y+$d}] \ -fill ${:bg} -outline ${:bg} \ -tags [list mvg ${:grouptag} ${:id}d$dotno] incr dotno } } :set [expr {int(rand()*6)+1}] :invalidate # # To dice, let people click on the die, or press <d> on the # board # ${:canvas} bind mvg <1> [:callback roll] bind . <d> [:callback roll] } }
Class Board
nx::Class create Board { :property canvas:required :property {size:integer 25} :property {bg LightBlue1} :property {fg white} :property {colors:1..n {red green yellow blue}} :require trait nx::trait::callback :method lookup {var idx} { # # Convenience lookup function for arbitrary instance # variables. # set key "${var}($idx)" if {[info exists $key]} {return [set $key]} return "" } :public method getPointCenter {nr} {:lookup :pointCenter $nr} :public method getPointId {nr} {:lookup :pointId $nr} :method line { x0:expr,convert y0:expr,convert x1:expr,convert y1:expr,convert {-width 1} {-arrow none} } { # # Convenience function for line drawing, evaluates passed # expressions. # ${:canvas} create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -width $width -arrow $arrow } :method point {x:expr,convert y:expr,convert d {-number:switch false} -fill} { # # Draw a point (a position on the game board) and keep its # basic data in instance variables. We could as well turn the # positions into objects. # if {![info exists fill]} {set fill ${:fg}} incr :pointCounter set id [${:canvas} create oval \ [expr {$x-$d/2.}] [expr {$y-$d/2.}] \ [expr {$x+$d/2.}] [expr {$y+$d/2.}] \ -fill $fill -tags [list point] -outline brown -width 2] #${:canvas} create text $x $y -text ${:pointCounter} -fill grey set :pointNr($id) ${:pointCounter} set :pointCenter(${:pointCounter}) [list $x $y] set :pointId(${:pointCounter}) $id return ${:pointCounter} } :method fpoint {x:expr,convert y:expr,convert psize fsize color no} { # # Draw a point with a figure, note the position in the board # in the figure # set nr [:point $x $y $psize -fill $color] Figure new -board [self] -canvas ${:canvas} \ -x $x -y [expr {$y-$fsize/2.0}] \ -size $fsize -color $color -no $no -position $nr return $nr } :method pnest {x:expr,convert y:expr,convert d colorNr xf yf} { # # Draw the nest with the figures in it # set fsize [expr {$d/0.75}] set color [lindex ${:colors} $colorNr] lappend :nest($colorNr) [:fpoint $x-$d $y-$d $d $fsize $color 0] lappend :nest($colorNr) [:fpoint $x-$d $y+$d $d $fsize $color 1] lappend :nest($colorNr) [:fpoint $x+$d $y-$d $d $fsize $color 2] lappend :nest($colorNr) [:fpoint $x+$d $y+$d $d $fsize $color 3] set :buttonPos($colorNr) [list [expr $x+($xf*$d)] [expr $y+($yf*$d)]] } :method pline { x0:expr,convert y0:expr,convert x1:expr,convert y1:expr,convert d {-width 1} {-arrow none} } { # # Draw a path of the play-field with points (potential player # positions) on it. # set id [${:canvas} create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \ -width $width -arrow $arrow -fill brown] if {$x0 eq $x1} { # vertical set f [expr {$y1<$y0 ? -1.25 : 1.25}] for {set i 0} {$i < int(abs($y1-$y0)/($d*1.25))} {incr i} { :point $x0 $y0+$i*$d*$f $d } } else { # horizontal set f [expr {$x1<$x0 ? -1.25 : 1.25}] for {set i 0} {$i < int(abs($x1-$x0)/($d*1.25))} {incr i} { :point $x0+$i*$d*$f $y0 $d -number } } ${:canvas} lower $id } :method draw {m} { # # Draw board and create figures # set d ${:size} set u [expr {$d * 1.25}] # # Major positions: p0 .. p1 ..m.. p2 .. p3 # set p0 [expr {$u-$d/2.0}] set p1 [expr {$m-$u}] set p2 [expr {$m+$u}] set p3 [expr {2*$m-$u+$d/2}] :pline $p0 $p1 $p1 $p1 $d -width 4 :pline $p1 $p1 $p1 $p0 $d -width 4 :pline $p1 $p0 $p2 $p0 $d -width 4 ;# horizonal short line :pline $p2 $p0 $p2 $p1 $d -width 4 :pline $p2 $p1 $p3 $p1 $d -width 4 :pline $p3 $p1 $p3 $p2 $d -width 4 ;# vertical short line :pline $p3 $p2 $p2 $p2 $d -width 4 :pline $p2 $p2 $p2 $p3 $d -width 4 :pline $p2 $p3 $p1 $p3 $d -width 4 ;# horizonal short line :pline $p1 $p3 $p1 $p2 $d -width 4 :pline $p1 $p2 $p0 $p2 $d -width 4 :pline $p0 $p2 $p0 $p1 $d -width 4 ;# vertical short line :line $m+5*$d $m+2*$d $m+6*$d $m+2*$d -arrow first :line $m-2*$d $m+5*$d $m-2*$d $m+6*$d -arrow first :line $m-5*$d $m-2*$d $m-6*$d $m-2*$d -arrow first :line $m+2*$d $m-5*$d $m+2*$d $m-6*$d -arrow first set d2 [expr {$d*0.75}] set d15 $d2*2 set o [expr {$u*5}] :pnest $m+$o-$d $m-$o+$d $d2 0 -1 3 :pnest $m+$o-$d $m+$o-$d $d2 1 -1 -2.5 :pnest $d15 $m+$o-$d $d2 2 1 -2.5 :pnest $d15 $m-$o+$d $d2 3 1 3 for {set i 0; set y [expr $d*2]} {$i<4} {incr i;set y [expr {$y+$d}]} { lappend p(0) [:point $m $y $d2 -fill [lindex ${:colors} 0]] lappend p(1) [:point $m*2-$y $m $d2 -fill [lindex ${:colors} 1]] lappend p(2) [:point $m $m*2-$y $d2 -fill [lindex ${:colors} 2]] lappend p(3) [:point $y $m $d2 -fill [lindex ${:colors} 3]] } # # Setup the path per player and color the starting points # for {set i 1} {$i < 41} {incr i} {lappend path $i} foreach c {0 1 2 3} pos {11 21 31 1} o {11 21 31 1} { ${:canvas} itemconfig [:getPointId $pos] -fill [lindex ${:colors} $c] set :path($c) [concat [lrange $path $o-1 end] [lrange $path 0 $o-2] $p($c)] } } :public method msg {text} { # # Report a message to the user. # ${:canvas} itemconfig ${:msgId} -text $text return 0 } :public method wannaGo {obj pos {-path ""}} { # # We know that we can move the figure in principle. We have # to check, whether the target position is free. If the target # is occupied by our own player, we give up, otherwise we # through the opponent out. # if {$pos eq ""} {return [:msg "beyond path"]} set other [Figure lookup $pos] set afterCmd "" if {$other ne ""} { if {[$obj cget -color] eq [$other cget -color]} { # On player can't have two figure at the same place. return [:msg "My player is already at pos $pos"] } else { # Opponent is at the target position. Find a free # position in the opponents nest and though her out. set opponent [$other cget -color] foreach p [set :nest([lsearch ${:colors} $opponent])] { if {[Figure lookup $p] eq ""} { set afterCmd [list $other gotoNr $p] break } } } } :msg "[$obj cget -color]-[$obj cget -no] went to $pos" $obj gotoNr $pos -path $path -afterCmd $afterCmd ${:die} invalidate } :public method moveFigure {obj} { # # Move the provided figure by the diced eyes according to the # rules. First we check, if we are allowed to move this # figure, which might be in the nest or on the run. # set currentColor [lindex ${:colors} ${:player}] if {[$obj cget -color] ne $currentColor} { return [:msg "figure is not from the current player"] } set eyes [${:die} cget -eyes] if {$eyes == 0} { return [:msg "Must dice first"] } set position [$obj cget -position] if {$position in [set :nest(${:player})]} { # Figure is in the nest, just accept eyes == 6 if {$eyes == 6} { :wannaGo $obj [lindex [set :path(${:player})] 0] } else { return [:msg "Need 6 to move this figure"] } } else { # # Check, if we have still figures in the nest # set inNest "" foreach p [set :nest(${:player})] { set inNest [Figure lookup $p] if {$inNest ne ""} break } # # Check, if the actual figure is at the start position. # set startPos [lindex [set :path(${:player})] 0] set atStart [Figure lookup $startPos] if {$eyes == 6} { if {$inNest ne ""} { # Move a figure out from the nest, if we can if {$atStart ne ""} { if {[$atStart cget -color] eq $currentColor} { set path [set :path(${:player})] set current [lsearch $path $position] set targetPos [expr {$current + [${:die} cget -eyes]}] :wannaGo $obj [lindex $path $targetPos] \ -path [lrange $path $current+1 $targetPos] return 1 } } return [:msg "You have to move the figures from your nest first"] } } if {$atStart ne "" && $inNest ne "" && $obj ne $atStart} { return [:msg "You have to move the figures from the start first"] } set path [set :path(${:player})] set current [lsearch $path $position] set targetPos [expr {$current + [${:die} cget -eyes]}] :wannaGo $obj [lindex $path $targetPos] \ -path [lrange $path $current+1 $targetPos] } return 1 } :public method nextPlayer {} { # # Switch to the next player. # set :player [expr {(${:player}+1) % 4}] ${:canvas} coords ${:buttonWindow} {*}[set :buttonPos(${:player})] } :method init {} { set hw [expr {14 * ${:size}}] set center [expr {$hw / 2}] canvas ${:canvas} -bg ${:bg} -height $hw -width $hw :draw $center set :die [Die new -canvas ${:canvas} -x $center -y $center -size ${:size}] set :msgId [${:canvas} create text [expr {${:size}*4}] 10 -text ""] # # Player management (signal which player is next, etc.) # set :player 2 button .b1 -text "Done" -command [:callback nextPlayer] set :buttonWindow [.p create window 22 14 -window .b1] :nextPlayer bind . <n> [:callback nextPlayer] } }
Finally, create the board and pack it
Board new -canvas .p -bg beige -size 40
pack .p