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[Xotcl] google webservice interface in xotcl

From: Gustaf Neumann <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:07:24 +0100

Dear XOTcl Community,

some of you might have a use of the simple Google query API in XOTcl.


# Simple Google query interface in XOTcl
# This script submits a SOAP query to the Google
# web service query interface
# -gustaf neumann, Jan. 2005
package req XOTcl; namespace import -force ::xotcl::*
package req tdom


Class GoogleQuery -parameter {
    {key $::LICENSE_KEY}
    {q "shrdlu winograd maclisp teletype"}
    {start 0}
    {maxResults 10}
    {restrict ""}
    {safeSearch false}
    {lr ""}
    {ie "latin1"}
    {oe "latin1"}
} -set template \
{<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <ns1:doGoogleSearch xmlns:ns1="urn:GoogleSearch"
      <key xsi:type="xsd:string">[my key]</key>
      <q xsi:type="xsd:string">[my q]</q>
      <start xsi:type="xsd:int">[my start]</start>
      <maxResults xsi:type="xsd:int">[my maxResults]</maxResults>
      <filter xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</filter>
      <restrict xsi:type="xsd:string">[my restrict]</restrict>
      <safeSearch xsi:type="xsd:boolean">[my safeSearch]</safeSearch>
      <lr xsi:type="xsd:string"[my lr]></lr>
      <ie xsi:type="xsd:string">[my ie]</ie>
      <oe xsi:type="xsd:string">[my oe]</oe>

GoogleQuery instproc query {} {
    set SOAPmsg [subst [[self class] set template]]
    set S [socket 80]
    puts $S "POST /search/beta2 HTTP/1.0"
    puts $S "Host:"
    puts $S "Content-Length: [string length $SOAPmsg]"
    puts $S "Content-Type: text/xml"
    puts $S ""
    fconfigure $S -translation binary
    puts -nonewline $S $SOAPmsg
    flush $S
    set result [read $S]
    close $S
    set F [open OUT w]; puts $F $result; close $F
    return [string range $result \
        [expr {[string first \r\n\r\n $result]+4}] end]

GoogleQuery instproc init {} {
  set result [my query]
  set doc [dom parse $result]
  set root [$doc documentElement]
  puts "[llength [$root selectNodes //snippet]] snippets found"
  foreach item [$root selectNodes //resultElements/item] {
    Answer new -childof [self] \
    -URL [[$item selectNodes URL] text] \
    -title [[$item selectNodes title] text] \
    -chachedSize [[$item selectNodes cachedSize] text] \
    -snippet [[$item selectNodes snippet] text]
Class Answer -parameter {URL title chachedSize snippet}

set G [GoogleQuery new -q xotcl]
foreach a [$G info children] {
  foreach e {URL title chachedSize snippet} {puts "$e: [$a $e]"}
  puts ""