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Re: [Xotcl] TIP #257 & XOTcl as an OO framework

From: Zoran Vasiljevic <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 11:11:24 +0200

On 05.10.2006, at 01:07, Gustaf Neumann wrote:

> Rather than proposing any kind of OO language, i would suggest
> to add a framework to the core, that every extension
> (including XOTcl) can use. This framework is not useful as an
> OO language on its own, but an environment that can host multiple
> OO languages in parallel, such as Snit or XOTcl (maybe the
> language from current TIP 257 as well), without pushing a single
> model.
> Languages like Snit or XOTcl can continue to develop, the core
> developers can optimize and integrate better with the tcl-core, etc.

What I think is equally important is to have a kind-of
bare-bones (or minimal, if you will) OO system built
into Tcl _alone_.
You know, many people will just use Tcl aw-is i.e. w/o
any extension(s). This is what DKF is trying to push,
as (the absence of) OO-stuff is making Tcl look
inattractive to some folks.

If you could have a minimal _usable_ OO language just on
the basis of your proposition (even when this would be
a simple thin Tcl layer distributed by Tcl distro) that
would of course beat all arguments from the "other camp".
