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Example Scripts
This is a small compilation of introductory examples, language comparison examples, and design studies in NX:
Introductory Examples
- First steps: Show open class definitions, unknown-handling and per-object mixins.
- Bagel: This example is a straight translation of the OTcl Tutorial to NX. It serves as a very short intro to the basic elements of scripting with NX and provides a comparison study to OTcl.
Rosetta Examples
These examples scripts are straight translations from the OO scripts of the Rosetta Code Project , which has the goal to show solutions for the same task in many different languages.
- Abstract Type
- Add variable
- Classes
- Polymorphic Copy
- Constraint Genericity
- Delegates
- Multiple Distinct Objects
- Multiple Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Object Serialization
- Single Inheritance
- Singleton
- Sudoku Solver
- Tokenizer
- Tree
- Unknown Method Call
Tk Scripts
- Tk Mini: A tiny Tk script based on NX.
- Tk Geo: A tiny Tk script in NX drawing nice geometric figures.
- Tk Spread: A simple spread-sheet like script.
- Tk Horse Race: A small animation of a horse race game.
- Tk Locomotive: An animation of a locomotive.
- Tk Ludo: The board game Ludo/Pachisie/Mensch ärgere dich nicht.
Design Studies
- Container: A small design study to implement container classes with different features, namely a SimpleContainer, an OrderedContainer and a SortedContainer.
- Simple Traits: Introductory Traits example.
- Composite Traits: Composite Traits example.
- Decorator vs. Ruby style Mixins: Comparing decorator style mixins with Ruby style mixins (modules).
- *methods: Defining transitive methods.
NaviServer + MongoDB
- Slide Set 5 : Course Unit - Introduction NoSQL and MongoDB, use MongoDB with NX
- bi.tar.gz : Business Insider Example with MongoDB and NX (for NaviServer)